Your Success is Our Success
Food Business Services
Here to help your food business: Succeed, Stand out and make an Impact.
It's Simple!

Hospitality & Catering Industry
As food business owners, your in a place where you want to get the right help at the right time; as this will determine, not only your success for the moment, but success for a lifetime.
Building a legacy takes time, passion and team work. We become a part of your team at what ever stage you are in your food business journey, starting up or developing.
We are here to support you develop strategies and methods that can propel your success in a way that is as good as having us as partners.
Our Services

Pre-inspection Service
Our food business pre-inspection service is suitable for all food business sizes, whether you operate at home, run a café at a hotel, a community centre or a commercial property. The benefit of our food business pre-inspection service is to give you the food business owner the confidence to open your door to the public and give both customers and your local council the confidence that you are serving your community in a safe and clean environment, and along with that hopefully serving some good and tasty food too.
Food Safety Training
The benefits of food safety & hygiene training ensures that customers are receiving food from your business that are safe for human consumption. This protects the food business and employees from facing potential fine or imprisonment which could result in the closing down of the business. Food business owners and employees will gain the knowledge and understanding from the training on how to safely, handle, prepare, chill, freeze and store food. This reduces the risk of food poisoning to customer, loss of income and protects the business's reputation.
Business Development
Your food business goes beyond just satisfying the pleasures of your customers appetite and keeping you busy doing something you are passionate about. Planning and monitoring the success of your business requires daily growth checks, assessing both the positive and negative things that has an impact on your business. So, this should be a part of your everyday routine. If you want your food business to truly succeed you need a business development plan.
Money Back Guarantee
We know what it's like when you want to invest into something, you want to know you are making the right decision for your business and that you will see the results expected.
To help you make the right investment, and to give you confidence, we offer a money back guarantee for our pre-inspection service. We assure you that as long as you follow and maintain the food safety measures put in place you are guaranteed a 5* star food hygiene rating.
Terms & Conditions Apply